FlowCon 的可持续发展目标战略一致性

FlowCon 主要关注三个可持续发展目标,即可持续发展目标 7、可持续发展目标 11 和可持续发展目标 13。

可持续发展目标 7:可负担的清洁能源

目标 7.3:将能源效率提高一倍

FlowCon 致力于提高能源效率
这是我们的愿景和目标中最重要的一部分-任何 FlowCon 产品的核心

可持续发展目标 11:城市和社区

目标 11.6:减少城市对环境的影响

FlowCon 产品使城市和社区的建筑更具可持续性。通过提供高质量和节能的解决方案,我们致力于可持续发展。

FlowCon每年将 5% 的营业额投入研发,以确保我们继续开发更智能、更节能的产品


FlowCon SDG11 thumbnail

可持续发展目标 13:气候活动

目标 13.3:建立应对气候变化的知识和能力

FlowCon 致力于节约能源和减少二氧化碳排放。无论是对我们,还是对我们的客户,我们的供应链关系越来越密切。


FlowCon 动态平衡电动调节阀项目案例


FlowCon Project at High Garden Bagneux
Heating - Fan Coil Units - Radiators - FlowCon ADP - FlowCon EDP - FlowCon Green - France

The new complex will include 250 apartments and a French-style convenience store – with FlowCon PICV and DPCV

FlowCon Project at Oval Village London outside
Heating - Cooling - Fan Coil Units - FlowCon By-Pass Mini - FlowCon Green - FlowCon GreEQ - London - United Kingdom

Modern homes with focus on indoor climate and reduced energy consumption – installed with FCU bypass units including FlowCon PICVs

FlowCon Project at Sarthe Cancer Center in France
Heating - Cooling - Fan Coil Units - FlowCon Green

Center of Excellence combining expertise, innovation, comfort, and humanity – in the fight against cancer. And FlowCon PICVs are used to provide…

FlowCon Project at Zhenru Sub Center in Shanghai
Heating - Cooling - Air handling units - Fan Coil Units - FlowCon Green - FlowCon SM - FlowCon DRJT - FlowCon Wafer

The super high-rise corner stone includes FlowCon PICVs, DPCVs and ABVs

FlowCon Project at Kuwait SOCS University
Heating - Cooling - Air handling units - Heat Recovery Units - FlowCon SM

High level education and high level of temperature control united with FlowCon PICVs – running optimal year in and year out

FlowCon Project at Al-Masa Towers in Egypt
Heating - Cooling - Cooling Towers - Fan Coil Units - Heat Exchangers - FlowCon By-Pass Assembly - FlowCon Green - FlowCon SM

Egypt’s largest hospitality hotel with FlowCon PICVs and pre-tested By-Pass Assemblies for fast and trouble-free installation, flushing and…