
New and improved FlowCon FH Actuator
- for FlowCon Green.3

FlowCon introduces a new and improved FH version replacing the current FH.0.2 and FH.0.4. The new actuator - merely called FH - will replace current FH-actuators, and will continue being the proper actuator for the FlowCon Green.3 valves. 
The new FlowCon FH-actuator holds several improved advantages and more new features:

  • Simple selection - All control modes in 1:
    The new version will include 24V modulation, 3-point floating and 2-position in one and the same actuator making it a one-choice only.
  • Flexible solution - Selectable control characteristic:
    Linear flow or equal percentage to be selected directly on the actuator. Hence, control characteristic for the valve may be determined late and even after installation.
  • Easy installation - Upside-down:
    The new version allows upside-down installation making 360° installation possible.
  • Built-in safety - Manual override:
    The new version includes an integrated manual hex key operated override equipped with a friction clutch which slips when the applied torque is too high. The exclusion of the separate valve adaptor will eliminate possible manual errors.
  • Energy saving - Lower power consumption:
    ower consumption is reduced from 7VA to now 6VA when operating in AC and similarly for DC it is now 4.1W and only 2.6W during operation.
  • Faster operation - Faster run time:
    Actuator run time is reduced from 28 sec/mm on the current version to now 22 sec/mm.

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