It is now very well documented that the PICV technology is improving indoor comfort while reducing energy consumption in buildings and thereby reducing CO2 emission.
Since the very beginning of our corporate history, FlowCon has been a technology front-runner with a keen eye on human comfort and the environment.
Dynamic balancing was our starting point leading to the invention of the PICV concept (Pressure Independent Control Valve) and introduction of the world’s first PICV in 1994. Since then, the range of product solutions have grown, all with the same core idea of optimizing room comfort while reducing energy consumption through pressure independency.
We find it natural to link our business concept with United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs and look into the company’s environment footprint.
We are proud to say: Your Environment - Our Commitment


Then Give Us a Call
If You have any questions, either in regard to FlowCon's products and services or how and where to use FlowCon products, just get in touch and we will be pleased to assist.
We will react as soon as possible, and written reply is normally within 8 hours if Your question is asked in English and during office hours. Other languages and requests asked during vacation time or weekends may experience longer response time. Likewise, for any special – out of standard – requests, You may not see an immediate reply, but we are responsive.